松竹岩 (Song-Jook-Ahm)


Recollection of Semuon’s Half-Century Ministry
Semuon’s Sixty-Nine-Character Poem of Life

 Whole-Hearted Dedication | Hope of the Resurrectio
Undivided Determination unto Death | A Berean
Messenger of the Gospel of Heaven | Guardian of the Truth
Promise of Eternal Life | Inspiration of the Holy Spirit
Life of Faith | The Way of a Sungrak-in
Credibility with people | Changeless in Heart and Deed
Self-Trust and confidence | A Steadfast Will
Faith in the Lord of Heaven | The Way of the Cross
Single-Hearted Devotion | The Spirit of Martyrdom
Daily Prayer | Daily Scripture Reading
Theocentricism | Divining the Truth
Ministry of God’s Power | Victory in Heaven and Earth

I take pride in being a Berean, and live with the hope of the first resurrection. With the assurance of this promise by the Holy Spirit, I plated Seoul Sungrak church to achieve the application of the Gospel in faith, implementation of the Gospel in life, and realization of the Gospel into spiritual power. For this, I uphold credibility with all people, keep the promises made to myself, and maintain my faith in God, taking the road to Golgotha as the spirit of martyrdom in my ministry. I have lived for the Lord and only Him my entire life. Even if I might live to the age of ninety-six, I will seek the truth from the Bible and power through prayer, to fight against and triumph over the enemy of heaven and earth.


A long time ago, I set up a big boulder outside the Youth Mission Center. It weighs almost sixty tons. On the east side of the house in Seosan where I was born was a bamboo field surrounded by many pine trees and large rocks. Under Mount Wolsan in Hongsung where I used to live, were a bamboo field, pine trees, and rocks. It was not a breathtaking scenery but they were always there.  I hope that I will be like the pine and bamboo which is evergreen throughout all seasons; and like the rocks, unchanging for thousands of years. I vow to myself, never be impulsive; never change. I determine myself to be unchanging like Song-jook-ahm – pine, bamboo, rock – and work hard without speaking idle words as Semuon.  It has been fifty-eight years since I became a preacher. There aren’t many who have pastored for over forty years in our country. Most of them begin their ministry upon graduating from seminary, and retire around the age of sixty-five, which is less than forty years in ministry. But in my case, I have been preaching for more than half a century as I started early as a preacher and am still preaching even past the age of eighty. There were many who tried to bring me down over the years, yet I am happy that I have persevered through them. Thus I have inscribed on that boulder, “Recollection of Semuon’s Half-Century Ministry” for that matter. My dear old friend purchased the boulder and engraved on it for me.