2017.09.03_Jesus is the One and Only God
in 2017 Lord's Day[John 10:22-39]
is the one triune God.
He is the eternally-living God
who came to the world (Jn 3:16).
Do not despise Him, the Nazarene.
He is our one and only God (Jn 1:46-49).
Do not shun Him who was hung on the cross.
He is our one and only God (Jn 19:38-42).
Jesus is our one and only God,
before whose name even the demons tremble (Jas 2:19).
Jesus is our one and only God,
before whom even diseases disappear (Mt 11:2-5).
He who raises the dead to life is
our one and only God (Jn 11:43-44).
Jesus is our life,
our one and only God.
◌ He is our God,
of whom the Holy Spirit bears witness.
He has resurrected in us.
◌ Jesus is the immutable truth
and the way to life for us;
He is the one and only God.
◌ God is not elsewhere
but He who has come inside me by the Holy Spirit
is God.
※ Jesus is our one and only God
who appeared in this world to save us.
Coming Soon
Jesus said, that the kingdom of heaven is like a child. Why did Jesus say that? We have all gone through childhood. Children usually think they have no power or ability. They only know that they wouldn’t be alive without their mothers. That is why they regard their mothers as their very lives, and do not want to part from them. If you ask ten children how they would get along without their mother, they will all answer the same thing, “I cannot live without my mom.” This is not a rhetorical answer, but a simple statement of fact. Children are not interested in their mothers’ past, where she came from, or her bloodline. They just believe that she can keep them alive. That is why orphans are so pitiful. Who is the one who is able to give life to my spirit and my flesh? Who is the one without whom I cannot live? The one, the only one, is God. The only eternal being for me is God. Where is God? He is Jesus. Jesus is the only life, and I know that I cannot live without Him. So, my life, my God, is Jesus. He died but was resurrected in me. His power, His inspiration, His wisdom, and His life were resurrected in my soul. Therefore I know that He manifested Himself though the Holy Spirit. Ah! In my soul(which could not live without Him) He came and was resurrected. He is my life, my One and Only God who saves me and gives me life. I love God, and will strive to walk with Him all of my life. With gratitude, I look forward to the day when I will die behind the pulpit as I have longed for all my life, and I strive to be a more spiritual servant of the word even as I prepare to cross the valley of this life. Those who spit on me flicker across eyes. But I do not hate them, but rather I feel sorry for them. I pity them who do not care for their souls, avoiding the good fight, which would be hard enough to win even if they started again this very moment. Just a few months ago, they were my beloved saints, why then are they scattered and wandering? Why are they wandering about, abandoning their home and family? If they were spiritual people they would lay down their emotions and only seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They will find no comfort for their souls as long as they wander about from place to place following their fleshly emotions. I am the one who raised and loved them. They have come to hate seeing me and listening to my voice, and yet, doesn’t my soul still worry about them? My heart is like that of a mother who is waiting for her missing children. I hope they safeguard their spiritual lives wherever they are. [gmedia id = 82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee