2017.05.07_Let Us Live By The Holy Spirit
in 2017 Lord's Day[Romans 8:1-11]
is one and only.
He sent His Son to the world
namely, the Son of Man (Jn 1:14-18)
and made Him suffer death on the cross
to save those under the Law.
The cross is the power of the Law (1 Co 15:56).
since Jesus Christ satisfied the requirements of the Law
we all died together with Him (Rm 8:4);
and since Jesus Christ rose again
by the righteousness of God,
we have also been raised to life in Him (Rm 3:30).
We have secured the testimony of this through baptism.
Those who are in Jesus are spiritual people
who ought to live by the Holy Spirit (Rm 8:8-9),
not according to the flesh but according to the spirit.
Man lives not by the things of the flesh
but by the spirit.
Thus we must not be slaves of the Law, that is, slaves of sin,
but be free by the Holy Spirit (Rm 8:1-2).
○ Men of the flesh
cannot please God.
We have to be men of the Holy Spirit.
○ If we have the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead,
He will raise our mortal bodies also.
Only those that live by the Holy Spirit are men of Christ.
○ The way the Church can succeed is not by the will of man
but by the Holy Spirit only.
There must be the works of the Day of the Pentecost.
※ Reformation cannot happen by man’s will or words.
Only when there is revival by the Holy Spirit will everything change.
Let us be the church and family filled with the Holy Spirit.
Coming Soon
Beloved Sungrak people! I love you. The end of our faith is the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. When we try to seek more knowledge we are likely to be tempted by the Devil. By knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent, we have received the Holy Spirit and the power that the Holy Spirit, our Advocate and Comforter, gives us as well. Don’t you know that demons tremble at this knowledge? From now on, we have to be true Sungrak people, as godly saints, loving the Lord’s kingdom and earnestly seeking His righteousness. Therefore, we must preach the message throughout the world, that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. But if you abandon this and seek a mysterious interpretation of the Bible, your soul will wander away from the Bible and will become corrupted. Recently, in light of what has been happening in our church, some faithful saints willingly gathered and organized a unified group to protect the church against the so called ‘reformers’ who are trying to divide the church. My hope and plea to you is that all members, all departments, and all ministers, unite for the sake and love of the church. The title of the organization is, ‘Return to the Bible Berea Sungrak Church Love Association’. I am going only to pray and preach the word of God, and as the Chairman of the General Affairs Committee, I approve of and support the formation of this group and declare its legitimacy, there can be no neutral position which is reluctant to love the church. We are to choose life or death (Deut 30:19~20). Beloved Sungrak people! My patience will not be broken. Even after I die, the association will continue to protect our church. How God has loved our church for the last half century! Can you believe the work of God even though you have seen it with your own eyes? Where can you find another church in which all the members are equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit? We must value and love our church, the body of Christ, more than ourselves, gratefully hoping for the crown in heaven. We have the promise of the first resurrection. Thank you. I sincerely hope that all of you to love and support the Bible Berea Sungrak Church Love Association’. I, the Overseer, will help the association with prayer. I ask that all cooperate with the effort and prayer. Thank you. [gmedia id = 82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee