Letter from World Berean

Sierra Leone, Malawi, Colombia

Francis K. from Sierra Leone

I love all your ondialuted preaching.
All your principle are base on the Bible, thank very much. (February 17, 2021)

Deceiving spirit, I have started to learn a lot of things that I never learned before. That We have three set Angels in Heaven. The Universe is prison for the devil until judgement day… I never knew this. By the grace of God I will learn more things in this books. (February 26, 2021)

I am doing great through Jesus Christ.
We have a lot of local BIBLE believing churches here. When I give the books to this pastor was very excited. I have so many people who are interested in this books. I have been telling some people about the books…
If you have chance you send more books ok. People are in need of them. (March 5, 2021)

These books : Let us know Jesus and What are Deceiving spirit, I am reading more of them, I have learnt a lot of good message there. Let us know Jesus; have clearly described who Jesus is. I have meet a lot of people who asked difficult questions about Jesus. This book has help me to answer most of the questions. Thanks very much brother. (April 19, 2021)

Praise Report of Malawi

Group Village Headman C. in Zomba_May 1, 2021

I received one of your book at Namilambe Primary School during Youth Revival. I read it and now I’m a new believer. I have known Jesus Christ through the book entitled “Let us know Jesus”. He has made me such a great impact on my life and I intend to follow Him and continue to grow in Him every day of my life. I want to say thank you so much for everything that you do Sungrak around the world. God bless you and your wonderful work.

S. Ndlovu in Machinga District_May 14, 2021

Peace and grace be abundantly endowed in you Sungrak from the Living God in appreciation for your precious gifts of Books to reach the lost in remote areas of Malawi. I have received your book entitled “Demonology 1”, it is a very powerful book and the Holy Spirit is now manifest in me, I learned how to deal with demons and evil spirits. I can say that after a short while I learn a lot of things and my life really transformed. God is always good. God bless!

K. Sonjera in Zomba City_May 14, 2021

I was grateful to receive your Know Holy Spirit Book. Absolute healing, divene healing. Praise God! Your book is really filled with Holy Spirit. May the Almighty God protect you so that your Ministry and missionary work to the world will last and reaching out many souls. This book healed me just by faith and believing it.

R. Mbewe_May 1, 2021

I’m from Natuma Village in Machinga District and I was born a Mulism. Since I had got one of your book “Let us know Jesus”. Now I want to learn more about Christianity.

P. Machemba in Zomba District_May 14, 2021

Thank you again, for the book I received during Revival Meeting, it made my heart strethened to know how to unload my every burden. I told my friends and members of my family everything about this wonderful book and its powerful words and help me to understand about Demons. Good News, I prayed someone according to this book and I use really what it teaches and an evil spirit left a Sick person I prayed. Amen. Praise God for His miracle! I have spread this wonderful news to my friends. Please give thanks to God and praise Him for His blessings and a great thanks be to our beloved great author of this book. God bless you and be with you all the time.

J. Gomwa in Zomba_May 14, 2021

Hello, I don’t know how to express with words the appreciation for our liberty through the Name of Christ. I recently received the Book from South Korea by a certain member who is living close to our home. I begun reading it, surprising and wondrously the burning backborn ceased and I’m now feel better. Thanks be to God! I tell you the truth that this book has a great miracle to people if they have faith and believe in Jesus. The One who wrote this book is really Man Of God. We can tell you that the Holy Book has certainly promoted Christ in our Area.

Letters from Colombia

Said P.

Greetings to my dear brothers and sisters.

I am glad to receive such a quick reply from you. The book of Berea will be a great help in gaining more spiritual knowledge and confirming the basis.

I got to know the Berea Movement and Sungrak Church through my pastor, Pastor Wilmar. The pastor said that he had been taught by Pastor Ki-Dong Kim in Colombia several years ago. So, we know about the Berea Movement and Sungrak Church.

I am very grateful to God and you. I want to learn all the knowledge of God and His Word and also teachings from you.

May God’s grace and peace be with you and your family.


January 30, 2021
Said P. Colombia

* * *

First, I thank God, and also thank you for doing the work!

We are very grateful for your efforts and willingness to spread the truth. We hope to continue to receive the knowledge of God through you.

Grace and peace be with you!

April 19, 2021
Said P. Colombia

Areliz M.

Hi, my name is Areliz M. I want to thank Sungrak Church, Pastor Kim, and all the Sungrak Church members for sending this book. This book contains ‘Return to the Word’ and ‘the word of Berea’ that is greatly known here. This is Medellin, Colombia. Thank you to Sungrak Church and all members of the church. Thank you for sending me the books. We are getting to know the truth of the Word through these books, and we are sharing important words contained in these books, not only keeping them to ourselves but also with others. We believe that all of these words are true, and we are preaching the word of God. Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to Sungrak Church, Pastor Kim, and all the Sungrak Church members. We pray that the Lord will continue to bless the church and prosper greatly.

As I said, I am Areliz M. of the Church in Medellin, Colombia. We appreciate the wonderful words contained in this book. May God continue to bless you all. As we are changed and filled with the Word, I hope everyone here receives this Word.

Because the seeds you sow to us are not only sown in the members of our church, we will spread the word we received to others. Thank you very much. As the word, “The truth will set you free.” The truth has set us free.

Thank you.
Bless you.

April 19, 2021
Areliz M. Colombia