If you click on the cover you can read some parts of the book.
This book is my autobiography, my truth, my confession, and my testimony of faith. God’s grace and love have been abundant during my thirty years of Christian life. How would I dare spare my life for Him since He called me and used me despite all my weaknesses and sins?
Is not God living and keeping His promises today, just as He did to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob thousands of years ago? I cannot count the number of times I disobeyed Him even though I professed to believe Him. But hasn’t He always kept open the door of repentance and bestowed mercy so that I can enter anytime, anywhere? The Lord is my King, and God is my good Father.
There is nothing exaggerated in this book. Rather, there is a lack of emotional expression. If I had good writing skills, readers could have been as moved as I was and shared my impressions. But it is a pity that I cannot express one-tenth of what I wish everyone to experience. I did not write to show myself off, but out of gratitude to the Lord.
I want to tell my descendants through this book how much God blessed our family and how He used me. It will remind them of the great grace of the Lord for the next thousand generations and make them wish that there be no unbelievers among them.
I sincerely hope that nobody doubts the veracity of the contents of this book. I am absolutely convinced that if people know about the actuality of these signs and kneel down before the Lord, the same promised powers of grace will be revealed to them. In other words, this book is an instrument for those who want to have a better faith.
The entirety of these contents is my testimony. I am grateful that I can live daily by faith. I also give thanks to my coworkers and to all members of Sungrak Church.
What I pray for everyday is: “Let me heal ten million sick people in my lifetime,” and, “Grant wisdom, power, and knowledge to my faith.” My lifetime mission is to pastor, preach the gospel, cast out demons, and heal the sick.
This is what the Lord wants. He wants to give everybody His power, even more to those who ask for it, and to the obedient ones. I believe in what I pray for, and I believe in their answers as well. I firmly intend to use to the fullest extent the power that God has poured into my spirit, and so I am doing this work.
I have prayed for my coworkers to experience the same power, and the same power and signs were shown to them. I congratulate them and keep praying for it.
This book is divided into two parts. Part Ⅰ is my autobiography, my testimony, the record of my faith experiences. Part Ⅱ is the chronological compilation of sermons preached during my healing crusades. I have no doubt that anyone who believes and obeys according to my book will experience the same power and signs.
Some people in the stories asked for anonymity, as Korean tradition requires. Besides, due to my carelessness, I lost some pictures that could have been used to further confirm my experiences in Jesus Christ. I did not include pictures of some of my past coworkers as they did not allow it.
I dedicate this book to my wife who devoted her life to my pastoral ministry, and to all members of Sungrak Church. I close the foreword in the hope that you all become powerful.
November 11, 1988
Ki-Dong Kim