March 31, 2024
Jesus Overcame Death and Resurrected
(Mark 16:1-8)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
(Mark 16:1-8)
Jesus was resurrected. No one in this world can break free from the barrier of death by their own power. However, Jesus was raised to life. It is because God the Father raised Him to life. Thus, the power of death and the power of sin that causes death have been broken.
1. The Firstfruits
The Israelites offered the firstfruits to God before beginning their harvest. They could only begin harvesting after the high priest accepted these offerings and granted permission. In this way, Jesus’ resurrection not only implies the future resurrection of saints, as with the firstfruits offered to God, but also serves as an first installment that guarantees the establishment of the covenant, thereby making the resurrection of saints an inevitable duty.
2. The Resurrection of Body
Some individuals often say, “When I die, I will go to heaven,” or “My spirit will go to heaven,” but this statement can be misunderstood. It might imply that we will go to heaven as spirits without bodies. If we were to enter heaven without our bodies, then the concept of resurrection itself would be unnecessary. While the phrase the ‘resurrection of spirit’ is sometimes used among people, the concept that the Bible repeatedly refers to is the ‘resurrection of body,’ not the ‘resurrection of spirit.’
3. The Way to Eternal Life
Through Jesus Christ, our destiny has shifted from the worst to the best. He removed the power of sin and death that would come to us by His body, and opened the way to resurrection and eternal life. Therefore, let us move forward powerfully until we reach our final destination. Let us not be deceived by the enemy’s lies, but love the church. Let us keep away from evil deeds and obey the Lord’s will. Let us abandon doubt, weakness, and stubbornness, and follow the path of eternal life by following the Lord, who became the firstfruits of the resurrection.
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim