June 2, 2024

The Church
That Is Not Carried about
by Every Wind of Doctrine

(Ephesians 4:14-15)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim

False Teaching

(Ephesians 4:14-15)

One of the greatest threats to the church is believers being deceived by the false gospel preached by false teachers. Such deception not only destroys an individual’s spirit but also contaminates the entire church.

1. The Vulnerable Subject
If saints cannot anchor themselves in the truth, or if they constantly seek something new rather than obeying the truth because they have itching ears―if they cannot grow beyond the spiritual level of children―when false teaching penetrates, they will be unable to discern or resist it. Consequently, they will be shaken like a paper boat swept away in a rapid stream, regardless of their own will.

2. The Reason of Occurrence
What is the reason that such false teaching arises? It can occur when an individual who interprets the Bible lack sufficient knowledge. Such incidents also happen due to those who neglect the responsibility to study the Bible within the theological framework shared by Christians over the past 2,000 years. Above all, what is most serious is that it occurs when false teachers randomly interpret the Bible to benefit themselves and preach it, leading to a new fad.

3. Our Roles
To protect the church from such threats and make saints grow into perfect individuals who never waver in any situation, God has established a shepherd in each church to teach them. Therefore, saints should strive to grow solidly within the truth of the Gospel by receiving the shepherd’s teachings. We should all cherish the church’s efforts over the past 2,000 years to fight for protecting the Gospel from false teachings. Let us unite our hearts to perfectly hand down the truth that has been preached to us to generations to come. Let us protect the body of Christ, united within the truth.

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim