April 14, 2024
The Father of All Makes Us One
(Ephesians 4:6)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
God Is One
(Ephesians 4:6)
Throughout both the Old and New Testament eras, the fact that God is one has been continuously emphasized. This not only means that we should not serve other gods, but on the one hand, the holy one people, who harmonize with one God, are required.
1. Oneness of the Trinity
God is one; He is the Father of all. It is natural for those who have one Father to be united in His will. Furthermore, God the Father is not merely transcendent above all, but He also is through all, and He dwells in all; this sense that evokes the Trinity in this explanation of God the Father demonstrates how perfect the union of the Trinity is, and also reminds us of the importance of our unity with the Church.
2. Becoming One with God
Efforts towards unity in the church are directly connected to each individual’s salvation. Salvation is not a result of meeting certain requirements set by God; it is the state of entering into God and becoming one with Him. However, how can we know if we have reached this state? It can be known through our unity with the Church.
3. Unity with the Church
“Do I really need to attend church? Online services seem more focused on me.” Such thoughts arise from a misunderstanding of what faith life truly means. Faith life is not just about accepting information. Even the devil is continuously collecting information. Interacting with fellow believers is a holy duty. Entering the church means that we attain a public status granted by God and come into a way of life presented by God. Being a member of the church is becoming part of Christ’s body. Let us be grateful for this wonderful grace and joyfully fulfill the functions of parts bestowed upon us.
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim