June 11, 2023 Lord’s Day Service
The Sabbath for Mercy
(Matthew 12:1-8)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
is the Father.
sent the Son to the world,
and He is the Master of the world (Heb 1:2-4).
Whoever discovers the Master has life.
God’s earnest will
is for human beings to each discover their Master (Jn 10:11).
The master of unbelief is the devil (Jn 8:44).
The Master of true faith is the Master of the universe and creation
– Jesus Christ (Jn 10:29).
Therefore, we confess that Jesus is Lord (1 Cor 12:3).
Yet people became slaves to the Law and its rituals (1 Cor 15:56),
regarded them as more important than the Lord,
and obsessed only with piety (Mt 23:13).
they appear like their faith is good,
but they have no Master.
They seem to love the church,
but they defy the Master (Mt 23:16-21).
The Holy Spirit is our Master.
◎ They attend service only in body but have no Master.
If the Master was present, they would focus
their bodies, hearts and spirits on Him.
◎ They participate in devotion and offerings,
but they have no Master. If the Master was present,
they would obey Him and be grateful.
◎ Though they perform duties in church and are busy,
it is not out of obedience for the Master,
but due to their emotions and enjoyment.
※ We are those who only please the Master.
We please the Master, even if we lay down our lives.
We please the Master, even if there are great disadvantages to the body.