The Word Became Flesh (John 6:46-51)

The Word Became Flesh
(John 6:46-51)

Jesus came to give us His grace and freedom (Jn 1:17).
He came and shed His blood on the cross.
Our sins have been forgiven and we are free by His blood (Mat 9:2).

Jesus’ blood is spiritual drink. We believe this blood and it gives us life.
Jesus’ flesh is the word of God. This is spiritual bread and it is for our spirits.
The word of God is living and active (Heb 4:12).

Our faith life is about accepting Jesus’ blood and flesh.
The Holy Spirit will come into us and make us holy.
We will rise again on the last day.

Let us love ourselves and love each other.
Let us accept ourselves and accept each other.

John Kim
Sungrak Mission Center
Sungrak Church