November 24, 2024

Truth as the Fruit of the Light

(Ephesians 5:9)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim


(Ephesians 5:9)

“Do you really think humans can ever be completely truthful, no matter how hard they try? The Bible says there isn’t a single righteous person in the world. Didn’t God give us the truth to save people like us? Emphasizing truthfulness to sinners is meaningless. What truly matters is knowing the truth.”

1. Truth and Truthfulness
Is that really true? Can truth really be separated from truthfulness? In the world, truth is often defined as an unchanging principle, but, in the Bible, the concept of truth inherently includes truthfulness. If truth does not lead to truthfulness, then it is not truth to begin with. If truth fails to bring about goodness and instead promotes or tolerates evil, then what is the point of passionately teaching it to others?

2.  True God
God is true. God surely fulfills what He has spoken. Once God makes a promise, He keeps it, even if it comes at a cost to Himself. God’s truthfulness is our pride and a reason to praise Him. Truth is an absolute nature of God that Jesus revealed during His time on earth. Jesus is so truthful that He is even called “faith and truth.” We are those who are born of His true Word, and God desires us to be true as well.

3. True Saints
There may be no one who never lies. However, there is a clear difference between those who unintentionally lie out of weakness and those who lie deliberately to commit crimes. On the day of judgment, those who strive to be truthful and those who do not even make an effort will face entirely different outcomes. Let us strive for goodness, righteousness, and truth. This is our duty as members of the body of Christ and the minimum standard necessary to uphold the church. Let the fruits of the redemption accomplished on the cross flow through us.

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim