52nd Anniversary Congratulatory and Grateful Letters from World Bereans

As above, Sungrak Church progresses ‘the Berea Movement’(Return to the Word) all over the world under the dedicated guidance of Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim, following in the footsteps of Senior-Overseer Ki-Dong Kim. The world Bereans sent joyful and grateful letters to Sungrak Church welcoming the 52nd anniversary. We would like to share some of the touching parts of the letters.

China, Bright Light Berea Sungrak Church


In celebration of the 52nd birthday of Mother Church, we, all saints of the Bright Light Berea Sungrak Church, sincerely celebrate the mother church and give our deepest gratitude.
Happy birthday!
May the Lord’s comfort and help are always with the ministry of Sungrak Church!
May the happiness and joy of heaven be filled in your hearts.
Sungrak Church has led us through even in any crisis and pain, not forgetting or giving up on us.
Thus, this is why our church is here now. We have grown eating the blood and flesh of Sungrak Church.
We have stood on the shoulders of Sungrak Church. Sungrak Church is our spiritual source and a goal of our journey.
We will follow the steps of Sungrak Church. We will keep the principle of ‘Semuon(Senior-Overseer, Ki-Dong Kim), Sungrak Church, and Berea Movement’ as one. We pray that the Lord will give us the inspiration and power to follow Sungrak Church. Sungrak Church is the source of blessing. When we cooperate and participate in the ministry of Sungrak Church, we believe that we can also be the source of blessing. May the Lord help us to follow the blueprint of Senior-Overseer and Overseer.
Thank you very much again. Immanuel!

Bright Light Berea Sungrak Church
November 28th, 2021

Kyrgyzstan, Mahabat

Дорогая Церковь «Сонрак». Я очень рада сегодня за вас, что вы сегодня отмечаете юбилей 52 летие! Господь обильно благословил вас, если у вас идет 52 год вашего служения Богу, это полвека отношений с Богом, это ваши горячие молитвы, это полвека непрерывного труда, которое вы сеяли со слезами. Господь, никогда не оставляет свою церковь. Сегодня этот тот день, когда вы пожинаете плоды, но на этом нельзя останавливаться, а еше усерднее надо служить нашему Господу. Мои личные поздравления вам.
Хотя мы далеко находимся от вас, но тем не менее, мы  очень хорошо знаем вас, до нас дошли ваши интересные, живые, впечатляющие книги.
Дорогие епископ и сонракинцы! Я очень люблю Вас! Пусть Господь Благословит вас и направляет на путь истинный! Мир Вам!

We are so happy to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of our beloved Sungrak Church!
In 52 years of serving God, there is a fellowship with God and earnest prayer toward God during the half-century.
The Lord knows endless effort to sow in tears during half-century and bless abundantly.
The Lord doesn’t leave His church at all. As the work of the farmer continues, even if today is the day to reap fruits, we also hope Sungrak Church proceeds to serve the Lord harder.
Sincerely congratulation!
Although we are far from you, we always notice Sungrak Church.
Because the Berea books that are full of life are even delivered to us.
Dear Overseer and the members of Sungrak Church, we love you!
We pray the Lord will bless you and guide you on the true way!
We hope the peace of the Lord will always be with you!

November 21st, 2021

Ukraine, Valentina

Поздравляю, дорогую мою Верию и всех служителей на Ниве Божьей с таким прекрасным праздником! С Днём Рождения! Спасибо, Богу, что вы есть начало! И это начало было на основании Божьего слова, на основании Бога, который жив от начала вечности.
Я по огромной милости присоединилась к вам, таким красивым Божьим людям! Вы уже проложили нелегкий путь Верийского движения, вы трудитесь на этом пути! Благодаря вам, такой ничтожный человек, как я, обрела возможность подойти к храму живого Бога и стать маленьким камешком в Его строении!
Низкий поклон мой старшему епископу Ким Ги Донгу и епископу Ким Сонг Хен! Спасибо за ваше широкое и любящее сердце, которое вмещает людей всего мира, в том числе и меня, малого человека из Украины!
Дорогие мои сонракинцы, вы служители великого живого Бога! Я желаю вам больше возрастать в познании Божьей истины! Будьте до конца верными рабами в служении распространения Евангелия до края земли!
С любовью к вам сестра Валентина из Украины.

Happy birthday to Sungrak Church. Congratulations for welcoming the great day to beloved Bereans and all ministers who are in God’s ground.
Thanks to God for starting this difficult path with you all! The beginning is based on the Word of God and living God from eternity. With the great mercy of God, I joined among God’s beautiful people! You have paved the difficult path and are still on it now! Thanks to you, even the insignificant person like me gained the opportunity to reach the temple of God closer and become the small stone of the divine temple of God.
I express my respect to Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim and Senior-Overseer Ki-Dong Kim.
Thank you for your love to embrace all over the world, including the small person like me from Ukraine!
Beloved Sungrak Church people, you are servants of the living God!
May you grow more and more as God’s servants who spread the truth of God!
I pray you to be faithful to the ministry of spreading the Gospel till the ends of the earth!
I love you!

Valentina, Ukraine
November 15th, 2021

Chile, Daniel F. M.

Se sumó a los saludos de aniversario y a la vez expresar mi gratitud por el tremendo aporte espiritual que han entregado a nuestras vidas, el espíritu de la iglesia Sungrak, la visión y humildad del Obispo Kim.
Gracias damos al Señor por vuestras vidas y por el amor que han tenido ustedes quiénes reciben estos mensajes al dedicar años estudiando nuestra lengua española, y sobre todo la traducción de los libros que hoy están en nuestras manos.
Les amamos aún sin conocerles.
Feliz aniversario amada iglesia.

Congratulations on your anniversary. Thank you for the tremendous spiritual contribution on our lives. Thank you for letting me know the spirit of Sungrak Church, the vision and humility of Overseer Kim Sung-Hyun.
The translated books in our hands today are the result of your love and years of dedication. Thank you to the Lord.
Although we haven’t met each other, I love Sungrak Church.
Congratulations on the anniversary of your beloved church.

Pastor Daniel F. M., Chile
November 22nd, 2021

Venezuela, Cesar A. P.

Amen gloria a Dios 52 años le iglesia 1 agrado mas q 1 iglesia son 1 familia Dios les bendiga.
Tambiem agradecudo por los libros ya termine el primero muy importante lo q dice mas conocimiento para mi crecimiento espitual.

Amen. I give glory to God for guiding Sungrak Church to their 52nd anniversary. Sungrak Church is not only a church for me, but also one joy and family. May God bless you.
Also, thank you for sending me the book. I think the content in the book is very important.
I finished reading one of the books you sent me. Books are great knowledge for my spiritual growth.

Cesar A. P., Venezuela,
November 23rd, 2021

India, James C.

Praise the Lord! Happy to know about the anniversary.
I am glad that God is using the church to light up the nations with the true Word of God.
Giving God thanks with you and for you.
Congratulations and blessings on the 52nd anniversary of the church!
May the Lord continue to bless and expand you as you work for the Kingdom of God!
Best wishes and prayers,

Pastor James C., India
November 26th, 2021

Nigeria, Favour J.

Thank God for Sungrak Mission at 52.
Indeed, God is faithful to take the ministry this far.
The ministry has taken many back to the Bible, exposing erroneous teachings and beliefs that were passed down from ages, which misled many to dooms.
Sharing the gospels across the world through free gospel materials and social media.
Indeed, the book of Proverbs 11:30 has said it all (The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.)
A big congratulation to you and more grace and auction for the task ahead.
Yours in the Lord,

Favour J., Nigeria
November 25th, 2021

Nigeria, Harry E.

I want to say congratulation to the church that has transformed lives in my nation and all over the world. My prayer is that the same God who used you(church) to transform will make you all grow stronger and stronger every day. Through this church, the whole world will have no other choice than to submit to God almighty, and God almighty bless every leader and member in Jesus name, happy birthday Sungrak church!!!

Harry E., Nigeria
November 22nd, 2021

Malawi, Jackson K.

Thanks, so much for sharing me the joy cerebrating the 52th Anniversary.
We are joining you with JOY to cerebrate this beautiful events .
May the Almighty God to bless Apostle Kim and his entire team of Sungrak church.
As Malawi-Africa Sungrak team, we all cerebrating in style this event.
Yours in Christ Jesus,

Pastor Jackson Kadamao
November 28th, 2021