52nd Anniversary Thanksgiving Service
In celebration of the 52nd church establishment, Sungrak Church had the service of Sungrak People One Family Day and Church Loving Devotion & Establishment Thanksgiving under the theme of ‘Our Dedication to Prepare for the Future’ on November 30, 2021. Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim encouraged and celebrated the saints for the love toward God and dedication for the church with the sermon title of ‘The Church which God prepares for’(Ephesians 1:11-12). Through this sermon, Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim reminded the saints of the hope for the future of Sungrak Church and encouraged each saint to take an aim to glorify God. He delivered that this is an essential attitude for every saint to think of the church’s future and look forward to the next 50 years. Furthermore, Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim made the saints remind Senior-Overseer Ki-Dong Kim and many elders of Sungrak Church for the past 52 years and who made it possible to share the glory of the 52nd anniversary today. Also, gave sincere hearts for the saints to glorify God and be the saints separate from the world. In return, the saints promised the dedication to prepare for the future once again to God and had a successful service giving gratitude and glory to God.
Therefore, please let us not think of ‘self-centered’ way. Let us not forget the fact that the souls who God has used are taking their grounds here in Sungrak Chruch. This place is the church built with the ground of saints used by God. As those saints are blessed, I hope all our saints be blessed as well. From today, let us not live the next 50 years for myself, but to be the influence and exalt glory to God and glorify God when we gather as the church in the Lord’s name.
-Quote from Dedication Service Sermon by Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim-