April 17, 2022 Lord’s Day Service
Signs Will Follow Those Who Believe
(Mark 16:17-20)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
is the Living One.
showed that He is alive in various ways (Heb 1:1).
God is the Almighty and He is like a potter (Rom 9:21).
He created the world (Gen 1:1)
and made man into a living being (Gen 2:7).
He saved eight people with the ark (1 Pet 3:20),
ordered Israel to come out of Egypt under Moses (Ex 7:1-2),
and gave victory in war through Joshua (Js 1:1-6).
He used Elijah to stop the rain
and made it return in 3 years and 6 months (1 Kgs 18:41-46).
He was finally born in the land of Judea (Mt 2:1-2)
and revealed God and His kingdom (Jn 14:8-11).
He personally died and resurrected (Acts 2:31-32).
By sending the Holy Spirit, He testifies that He has risen (Acts 1:8)
and gives testimony by signs to those who believe it.
great signs will follow those who believe (Mk 16:17).
This was the testimony when the disciples went out
and preached everywhere. The Lord worked with them
and confirmed His word
by the accompanying signs (Mk 16:19-20).
○ Just as soldiers are armed with rifles,
His power and signs follow those who believe.
○ The kingdom of God is not in words
but should be spoken in power.
○ If the kingdom of God comes to us,
demons will certainly empty their places and leave.
We should not boast about having no power. It is unfortunate.
※ Let’s receive the Holy Spirit
and let’s receive His power.
The manifestation of the Spirit is given for the profit of all.