2017.02.05_The Church Blessed to a Thousand Generations
in 2017 Lord's Day, 2017' Lord's Day, Sung Hyun Kim
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
[Exodus 20:4-6]
is the source of blessing.
He blesses us with heavenly blessings (Ep 1:3)
as well as earthly blessings (Dt 28:2-6).
For this, Jesus came to the earth
and subdued the power of sin, unrighteousness,
destruction and unhappiness.
and commanded peace and obedience to the Church (Jn 16:33).
God gives both heavenly and earthly blessings
to those that keep their spirit holy
and serve His Church with all their heart and body
to which they have been called to serve (Dt 12:7).
Whoever sets up idols in his heart
will be forsaken by God (Ez 14:3-5),
and will pass on curses to his descendants (Ez 14:9-23).
only the one that loves and supports God’s church
can receive God’s blessing
to a thousand generations (Ex 20:6).
○ Let us use our faith, which is our spiritual inheritance,
for the success and blessedness of the Church
and be a delight to God.
○ Let us cast off
every act of evil and temptation
in order to keep our spirit holy and pure.
○ Let us become saints
worthy of seeking blessings
for our children, prosperity and peace.
※ Let us keep our spirit pure,
and serve the Lord’s church
with sacred heart and deeds.
Exodus 20:4~6 The Word of Blessing In the Christian’s faith, it is basic knowledge that God gives us the blessing that extends to a thousand generations. Some people believe that only those who have a great faith can receive this blessing. However, the blessing is promised to all who believe. So, if you are a Christian, you must have the will to inherit your blessing to a thousand generations. This is the attitude that you ought to have as a Christian and is a way of conforming to God’s way of leading us into eternal life. God has given us His word. That is because it is His word that is the only way for us to possess God’s blessing. On the Lord’s day, we attend the worship service and listen to the sermon. The very time of worship is when we hear God’s word and receive it by faith. Unfortunately, there are some people who do not recognize it as God’s word but rather judge the content of the sermon by their own standards. The problem is that even though they are listening to God’s word, if they do not acknowledge it as God’s word, they can never be blessed as God wants to bless them. The church is the framework by which God gathers and raises believers, nurturing them by His word, and the mechanism which God established to bless them. God has never abandoned those who are bought with His blood. God wants believers to remain in the glory that His Son enjoys. To this end, it is through the church that God keeps all believers until Jesus Christ comes again to the world. Overseer preaches God’s words in the church. And then the people believe and follow the Word of God proclaimed by the overseer. When both the overseer and the members faithfully carry out their own duties the church can stand firm. Each of the duties must not be interrupted by any situation. But, those who are weak in faith are susceptible to negative thoughts. Once a negative impression about the church or the overseer is imprinted in their hearts, they unconsciously have negative viewpoints on the church when observing what happens in the church. This is not just an obstacle in their own faith lives, but also negatively affects others around them, so we have to be cautious of it. Among the factors that can negatively affect people’s thoughts is the influence of the recently developed online Social Networking Services (SNS) which have a significant effect on people. Through the services, many people can share information freely, but, at the same time, increasing numbers of people are hurt due to false information and maligning words. What is worse, this can even be used as a tool for blaming and attacking the church. If you want to keep your soul clean, you must not listen to that false information. Once the seed of a negative thought is sown in your field, which is your heart, it can never be removed, but rather becomes the source of anguish, even producing further negative thoughts. Cleansed by the Precious Blood and Sanctified by Good Works There are two components to preaching God’s word. First, there is the grace that comes by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Church members repent after listening to the sermon. Once they come to be under the grace of the precious blood, their hearts are cleansed. The second component is the instruction on the conduct of the believer. The people receive instruction regarding their conduct through which they must sanctify their souls by their actions and decisions. Therefore, anyone who hears the sermon should repent in the light of the message, and make up their mind to act in accordance with God’s instruction. It is idolatry that prevents this from happening. Most people think of idols only as images or figures made of stone or wood but those are not the only idols. If the love and devotions of the saints which belong to God are redirected to something or someone else, then that thing or person has taken God’s place and has become an idol. Idolatry is a betrayal against God, which seriously pollutes the soul of the saints. If a person builds an idol in his or her heart, God, instead of taking the idol away, allows that person to be tempted in order to test that person. (2 Thes2:11~13). If a person sets up idols in his heart and puts a wicked stumbling block before his face and then goes to a prophet, God will answer Himself and make them bear their guilt. (Ezekiel 14:3-11) We must not get involved with matters that might corrupt our souls. We are responsible for blessing our children as believers. Leaders of Israel, even in their old age, blessed their children with the authority that had been given from God. That is because God’s blessing can be passed on to their children not through the flesh but through the soul. So, in order not to block the inheritance of God’s power to our children, we must keep our soul clean and be approved by God through our good works. We should be particularly cautious to not allow ourselves to be exposed to the blame and criticism against the church. Once you have been exposed to them, even without your wanting them to, they will cast a shadow upon your heart opening the door for demons to invade. On the other hand, if we choose the words and thoughts of faith and hope, the works that are pleasing to God can be accomplished through us more readily. To build and grow a church, many members must endure hardships in order to keep their souls clean. In addition, many should sacrifice and devote themselves to keeping the souls of others clean. This is not at all easy. But many have done so, and also are doing it to serve the church. There must not be any casting of blame or malign that might discourage or hurt those who have been dedicated only to God. Even unbelievers treat the church with a certain level of respect. Even those who oppress others show some respect when they meet pastors. Even thieves are reluctant to steal the church’s offerings. Unfortunately, the blaming and slander is happening among believers in the church and fostering distrust of the overseer. These kinds of acts not only destroy their souls but also leaves indelible scars on other people’s souls. Once a person’s faith has been shaken, it is hard for that person to receive God’s word. Some people might think that when they hear negative news about the church they should listen carefully and judge for themselves whether or not it is true. However, entertaining this injurious conversation knowing that it might affect you in a negative way is the same as building idols. It is also improper to think that you need to listen closely to it in order to dispute the matter. These arguments and quarrels are useless and unprofitable. (Titus 3:9) We must not defile our souls until the Lord leads us into His kingdom. God’s will is being fulfilled through those who keep their souls holy. Thus, God remembers not only them but also their descendants. That means those who are holy inherit blessings and prepare heaven for themselves. The overseer of the church is the speaker that delivers God’s words. Although the overseer is just a man, God ordained him to bless the church members. When God appointed Aaron as the priest of Israel, He made him wear a special garment that was made for the priest. This helped the people of Israel acknowledge the authority of the priestly office by displaying the glory and beauty of the priesthood. (Exodus 28:2) Likewise, God covers an ordinary person with the mantle of ‘Overseer’, and proceeds to do His work. Therefore the saints should humbly follow the guidance of the overseer just as sheep do not follow another’s voice but the voice of their shepherd, so the saints should pay attention to the voice of the overseer. Let Us Enjoy the Blessing of a Thousand Generations God is the source of all blessing. He blesses us. Deuteronomy 28:2-6 says, “If you obey the LORD your God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.” Because blessing accompanies God, those who are with God will be blessed in all the circumstances of their lives. The blessings introduced in the time of the Old covenant were imperfect. But thanks to Jesus Christ, we can completely enjoy God’s blessings. He has thoroughly dealt with the curse of sin and death and the destruction that would otherwise hinder our blessings. And He commanded us to obey. Since He has made all our ways straight, we can now see what is before us and walk the road that is before us. We must build up our households to receive and enjoy God’s blessings to a thousand generations. In order to do this, we must do two things: First, we must preserve our souls. Second, we must serve our church with devotion through holy conduct and good deeds. Those who do these two things can bless their children and families. If you believe God created all things, that He is the atonement for our sins, and that he will resurrect us, then you must also believe that He will bless us while we are here on earth. We are the church blessed to a thousand generations: Not just the church that ‘will be blessed’, but also the one that ’already has been blessed’. God has promised to bless us not to two or three generations but to a thousand generations. His blessings are as firm and trustworthy as His word, for He has spoken it. For the promise to be fulfilled in us, let us keep our souls that were bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. Let us be under the power of His precious blood. Then let us conduct ourselves in a right and godly way as members of the Lord. Let us exercise our faith, our spiritual inheritance, for the success and happiness of the church.
The Church Blessed to a Thousand Generations
Looking back on all the days of my life, I cannot find even a single thing I did well. The only thing that I believe I did well is be patient. For the last eighty years I have gone through the world, being patient again and again. Looking back on those days at the age of eighty, I remember a lot of events that make me think, ‘Being patient at those moments, I did very well.” If I had not been patient, I wouldn’t be who I am today. And I do not have long left to live, so I am not sure how much more I will have to be patient. Someone once said to me, “I can see the radiance in your face.” So I asked that person what radiance it was, and he said, “the radiance of patience.” Patience is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps I exhibit patience because the Holy Spirit has given me the power to be patient again and again. I remember patience as one of the greatest qualities of my fifty five year-ministry. The work in the church is so delicate. It is like a feather that it is easily swayed by a gentle wind or soaked by light drizzle. But enduring it is only possible by patience. Resentments, dissatisfaction and complaints always come back to the pastor. But so what? I have to be patient again and again. If there is misunderstanding or conflict, the only answer is patience. Young people do not realize how patient their mothers have been with them, because their mothers tolerate their annoyance. But when someone else offers a favor, they are very appreciative of it. In the same manner I have endured numerous annoying situations that many church members are not even aware of. I have taken myself up to the pulpit as if I have not been annoyed, not to put on an actor to play a role, but in order for my church to survive. I could do otherwise. I strongly desire that my saints be patient with me, for the sake of our church. Although the Devil provokes us to resentment and backbiting, we must let the Holy Spirit govern all of our actions. From now on, let us not hate one another, but let us pray for each other and for our weakness. Let us never alienate, upset or be the cause of division among each other, ever. I, Semuon, am so weak and imperfect, and I am not a god, so I am flawed. Nevertheless, I have done my duty with patience, so please give me a hand of encouragement, saying, “Rest assured that our church is going to fulfill our duty to the church, help the overseer, and protect the mission of the church.” [gmedia id = 82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee