May 5, 2024

Christ Descended into the Lowest Part

(Ephesians 4:9-10)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim


(Ephesians 4:9-10)

The Lord shattered the devil’s power with His triumph on the cross, rescued those who were captive, and ascended to heaven. He has since sent us gifts to commemorate this victory. Above all, He has sent the Holy Spirit as a gift, continuously empowering and strengthening us so that we can walk according to God’s will, mediated by the Holy Spirit.

1. The Basis for His Gift
The Lord’s giving is not merely a result of His abundant generosity. The salvation that the Lord has bestowed upon us is the result of a fierce war in which He triumphed through His blood, and the gifts He bestows from on high are a powerful proclamation of His will to restore the universe to a glorious state.

2. The Status of the Giver
“He led captivity captive and gave gifts to men.” Paul testified to this verse from the Psalms as a prophecy about Jesus Christ, explaining, ““He ascended” – what does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?” According to the scripture, the Lord not only descended to the lowest parts of the earth and suffered death, but also went in spirit to the prison and proclaimed His victory over the evil spirits residing there. And then He passed through the territory and ascended far above all heavens.

3. The Attitude of the Receiver
Jesus Christ is the sovereign ruler of the entire universe. He, who descended into the lower parts of the earth, ascended far above all the heavens to fill all things. His sovereignty extends from Sheol, the lowest depths, to far above all the heavens. Our future also lies under His sovereignty. The gifts He has given us with the power of triumph testify to this. Let us cherish the new life given by the Lord. Let us be the church united in His power and strength and fight for His kingdom. As servants, brothers, friends, and faithful followers of the Lord, let us commit to a life lived alongside Him.

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim