May 12, 2024

He Gave the Shepherd
Tending the Church as a Gift

(Ephesians 4:11)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim

The Gift Given to the Church

(Ephesians 4:11)

People generally dislike being told what to do. Conversely, they like someone who advocates for their own positions and supports their desires. Believers are not vastly different in this respect.

1. If Allowed to Elect
In such a state, what would happen if people were allowed to elect their overseer? Would the elected one be able to speak what the church members might not want to hear? Could he reproach the church members when they are misled by false teachings? And could the members, nurtured in such an environment, safely reach heaven? Fortunately, God has not allowed church members to elect their overseer.

2. The Shepherd Who Cares for the Church
In the New Testament, an overseer was referred to as either a pastor or an elder. Although the term ‘pastor’ is mainly used today, ‘elder’ was more commonly used in the New Testament. For example, Paul said in his letter to Timothy, “Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honors, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.” It should not be assumed, due to misunderstanding, that the responsibilities of governing the church, deciding its policies, teaching the Word, and occasionally exhorting and refuting church members are equally assigned not only to pastors but also to today’s nominated elders.

3. The Special Gift
An overseer is a special gift God has given to the church. If Christ had not come into the lowest parts of the earth and suffered death, and if He had not been resurrected and ascended into the highest heavens, this gift could not have come to us. Moreover, without God’s earnest desire for everything to be united in Christ, we would not have been able to receive this gift. To refuse this precious gift and to appoint an overseer with our own hands is a behavior to directly oppose God. Let us treasure the gift God has given us. Let us be thankful to God who has bestowed upon us this necessary gift and glorify Him.

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim