January 7, 2024

Christians Who Are Rooted
and Grounded in Love

(Ephesians 3:17)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim


(Ephesians 3:17)

The Lord’s love is a love which the world never possessed. This love belonged only to God, but the Lord revealed this to us by His sacrifice, and we were saved through it. Now, the Lord commands this love onto us. “Love one another as I have loved you!” When we show this love by sacrifice, the world will be saved through it.

1. The Lord’s Possession
The love that the Lord wants from us is not an emotion or feeling. This love is to deny ourselves and give ourselves over to others. It does not mean forcing ourselves to do external deeds. If Christ dwells comfortably in our hearts as the Master, He will do His work through love, and then our transformation will show.

2. Choice and Determination
However, love does not occur automatically. This is because sin interferes. Love and sin are opposites. To overcome the force of sin and to love, we need to be determined and obey the command to love. Love does not occur like a natural process without our willingness. It is a choice. When we do not choose love, sin is present, and where sin dwells, there is no love.

3. Evidence of Overcoming Sin
Seeking to keep the command of love is evidence of having overcome sin. Those who overcame the power of sin and are liberated will love. Those who reject love are still bound by the snare of sin. Love overcomes sin. The act of love! Filthy sinners practicing the very nature of God! These are truly supernatural miracles. Love is the soil where believers must take root, and they must build on top of this foundation. God’s love did not end at the cross. Since we received this love, God’s love will continue through us.

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim