May 7, 2023 Lord’s Day Service

Christ’s Laborers with His Compassion

(Matthew 9:35-38)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim

is the Shepherd.
treats mankind as sheep and rears them (Ps 23:1-4).
Sheep are foolish and cannot live
without a shepherd (Ps 23:6).
The shepherd must lead them into green pastures
and water, and feed and give them drink (Jn 10:11).
Sheep without a shepherd will, firstly, lose their way (Jn 10:4)
and sheep that are lost will become prey for wolves (Mt 7:15).
Jesus purchased people’s spirits by His blood,
called them His sheep (Jn 10:8-9),
and told the disciples, “Feed and tend My sheep” (Jn 21:15-17).
If you truly love the Lord, the Lord asks you
to feed and tend His sheep.
He dreaded the thought of sheep without a shepherd.
Our faith needs a guide (1 Pet 5:2-7).
Sheep without a guide are always exposed to danger
and they can later somehow be tempted and be destroyed.
Jesus became the Chief Shepherd
and Jesus’ servants became shepherds who feed the Lord’s sheep.

◎ Believers are the Lord’s sheep,
and the Lord’s sheep follow the shepherd.
There must be a shepherd for the Lord’s sheep while in the world.
The shepherd is the pastor commissioned by the Chief Shepherd.

◎ The pastor gives grass and water to the Lord’s sheep.
There are some who say they have faith,
but because of their convictions,
they do not have a shepherd for their spirits.

◎ There are some who say they are believers, but are proud and
corrupt and still do not have a shepherd for their spirits.
Since the world is filled with wolves, their spirits are in danger.

※ The shepherd finds good grass to feed.
Consider how many ate poisonous grass and died in spirit!
Consider how many lost their way and went astray!