[Galatians 3:1-14]
God’s throne
is established on righteousness.
God loved the world that He sent the Word (Jn 1:14)
in order to give man eternal life (Jn 3:16).
The Word became flesh and came to the world.
The Word of God (logos)
is the Word clothed with a robe dipped in blood,
which is the word of eternal life that is with God (Rev 19:13).
This Word is the foundation of righteousness and justice (Ps 89:14).
The word given to man’s flesh by this Word is the Law;
the word given to man’s spirit by this Word is the truth.
it is a huge misunderstanding and mistake
if one tries to lead his spiritual life
according to the regulations of the flesh (Gal 3:10).
The truth was given for the spirit (Jn 8:32).
which is testified to by the Holy Spirit (Jn 16:13).
The Word of God appeared as the Son
and the Holy Spirit testified to Him – He is the truth.
Jesus Christ died in accordance with the Law of the flesh
and resurrected by the law of the Holy Spirit.
One can receive the Holy Spirit by faith alone (Gal 3:5).
◌ If our flesh is justified,
though we will be commended on the earth
we will not have eternal life to live in heaven.
◌ If our spirit is justified,
we will have life on earth and eternal life in heaven.
Hence it is not by works but by faith that we are justified.
◌ A true Christian is one who has been justified
solely by faith;
his righteousness surpasses that of all righteousness.
※ He who is under the Law of the flesh is under a curse,
but the one who is under the law of the Holy Spirit is free.
Thus the righteous shall live by faith.
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Coming Soon [gmedia id = 82]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
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