February 11, 2018 Narrow Gate (Matthew 7:13-14)

Sermon Outline

is the Father of life.

sent His Word in order to give life to the whole world (John 1:4-5).
This Word has the power of creation and the Resurrection of life (Heb 1:2-3).
This Word was preached through angels to Moses and the Prophets.
Their message was the Law and parables (Galatians 3:19).
This Word became flesh and appeared in the world
as the Son of Man (John 1:14).
He is called the Truth (John 14:12).
When the Truth
is taught through the Holy Spirit, He gives life.
The gate of religion is wide and many enter through it.
But the gate of faith is narrow and few enter through it.
Religion is the way of the flesh. This way is easy.
But faith is the way of the spirit. This way is difficult.
You cannot enter heaven through the gate of religion.
You can only enter through the gate of faith (Matthew 5:20).
You can never enter heaven merely with morals and ethics,
but you can enter through the grace and experience of God.
Faith is the narrow gate.
◌ Many want to go in by the righteousness of the flesh.
This is the wide gate of religion.
You can never enter through this gate.
◌ You must be justified in your spirit.
You can only be justified by faith.
You can only enter through faith.
◌ Faith is the narrow gate.
It is not your own righteousness,
but God’s righteousness.
※ Do not try to enter with fleshly thoughts and emotions.
Enter through the Holy Spirit!
Let us all enter through the narrow gate of faith!

Semuon’s Letter

I continue to understand that you can only live by receiving all that God gives you by grace. Many of God’s servants in the world are easily undertaking God’s duties by their inborn wisdom and the knowledge that they have diligently gathered from the world. But I cannot do that. I was a person who had none of that prepared. I was a person who was nothing but uneducated, poor, alone and tired.

But God gathered me to his bosom and poured my hollow and empty mind and heart with God’s word. And I received the fullness of the Holy Spirit. After that, I finally I became a workman to do God’s work and my whole life I have constantly been walking on that road. Therefore, what I know is not the knowledge of the world but the knowledge of God. And I do not live by the wisdom of the world but by the wisdom of the Spirit.

As I keep growing older, what I understand even more is that I have so many weaknesses. Therefore, I have strived to fill that empty space only with the grace that God gives to me, to fill it completely with the gifts of the Spirit, and to fill it to the brim with the truth of God. If it is given by God, it may be a good work. But it is difficult to be undertook by man. But I have decided not to refuse to carry this great burden. It is the burden of not only taking up the Lord’s platform, but also taking up my cross. I did not follow the desire of my flesh but sought the thirst of my soul.

He has already given me power, and I earnestly plead for him to give me more. He has given me His word, and I plead and ask for Him to give me more of His inspiration – to preach only His truth that God has prepared in heaven. At my age, it is foolish to try to know the things of the world, and it is unnecessary anyway. Only what the God of Heaven wants and asks of me is what I continually yearn to receive at all times.

God is my Father and my master. Even if the Lord wants to use me, if I cannot bear to carry out that work, I will not be used. God must permit me to do the works that He wants.  I do not lack the things that belong to the world. I am just not capable of doing the things that God gives me. I am still not filled with His inspiration. Therefore, I seek more for His fullness. I still thirst for His word. I continue to plead and ask for His word. I still have too little power. I ask, therefore, for even greater power.

Athletes who go out to the Olympics specialize, polish and shine themselves on that one area for several decades. We all must have this professional mindset. I yearn for and supplicate to God. “Lord, if you will use your servant to the death, please give me the strength to do that work!”