October 8, 2023 He Reconciled Us Both in One Body

He Reconciled Us Both in One Body

(Ephesians 2:14-18)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim


(Ephesians 2:14-18)

True peace can only exist where Christ is the Master. This is because He is the One who demolished the wall of sin, the fundamental cause of destroying peace.

1. Fulfillment of the Law
The Lord abolished in His flesh the law of commandments contained in ordinances, which was enmity. This means He paid the wages of sin required by the Law. It does not mean He abolished the ethics of the Law. What the Law seeks is peace. The problem is that humans cannot fulfill the Law’s requirements because of sin. Jesus paid the wages of human sin to lead us on the path of peace, not create other divisions and conflicts through the Law.

2. The Fruit of Love
The Lord emphasized that when we love one another, we can achieve peace. A person who truly loves God will not ignore or be hostile to believers whom God has compassion for. Rather, this person will strive to overcome the selfishness inside, which constantly provokes sinful desires. A person who judges everything from a self-centered perspective can never create peace. When we overcome the desires of our flesh according to God’s commands, true peace can be achieved in the Lord.

3. The Church’s Mission
What we must do as a church is manifest God. God did not come to us merely in theory or thought. All that God’s Son accomplished in the flesh was grace to us. Who can claim these actions were not spiritual? It is the same today. If it accords with the Lord’s will, every deed we do in the flesh is spiritual. Let’s abandon selfishness and become a church that achieves peace. Let’s make sure the entire church becomes one and shines God’s light on the world.

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim