December 3, 2023
He Revealed the Mystery
Hidden from the Beginning to Angels
(Ephesians 3:9-11)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
The Angels
Who Came to Know the Mystery
(Ephesians 3:9-11)
Angels are not omniscient beings. They too desired to understand God’s plan for a long time, and it is the church that made this known to them. Angels were amazed when they discovered the fellowship of the mystery through the church.
1. Through the Church
They witnessed the creation of all things and the fall of humanity. And then, when the time came, they saw Jesus come into the world and work in the name of the Father. However, when Jesus was crucified, they had no idea why this had happened or what the situation was. Therefore, they even considered it a potential failure on God’s part. However, not long after, the church was born, and they came to realize how wonderful, beautiful, and perfect God’s work has been progressing all along through the church.
2. The Wisdom of God
God, instead of condemning those who crucified Christ and deserved punishment to hell, made them the church. Even though they crucified Jesus, through the very cross, they became the body of Christ. Those who were once immersed in hatred and murder, conflict and resistance, distrust and resentment have been reborn as entirely new beings and joyfully embraced God’s work. Through this miraculous transformation, angels have discovered the wisdom of God and genuinely come to praise God.
3. The Change of Sinners
The holy angels are deeply concerned about the salvation of humanity. They closely watch how the saints in the church work to save others and care for them. When we abandon our old selves and demonstrate faithful obedience through changed behavior, angels observe us and glorify God. We do not determine the meaning of our lives ourselves; we have a duty as a church to fulfill God’s work. By embracing this glorious duty with joy, let us lead the angels to acknowledge, agree with, and submit to our authority.
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim