If you click on the cover of this book you can read chapter 1.

Praise the Lord.

I’m happy to share that what I learned from both books which I had received by post. Both books are very much helpful to understand about theory of deceiving spirit and the Holy Spirit. It helps me to aware of failing in spiritual life and ministry. As well as I am very clear about the Holy Spirit. And I’m very much confident to be having solid faith and serve God better way.
Thanks for your good cooperation.

March 12, 2020
Pastor V. G. from India

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Thank you very much for the love and help you are doing through sending me books. We are just lockdown inside our houses since 20 of March, 2020. It is very hard situation but God is good and taking care of us. We are praying for you and hope you are doing well despite this Corona virus epidemic.

I am really blessed by the book “Let us know The Holy Spirit” , it is very practical teaching. Please convey my regard to Dr. Ki Dong Kim and let him know that it changed my perspective.

I am waiting for the books which you shipped, it delay because of lockdown. Thank you once again for your love and concern, you are always in our prayers.

God Bless you

April 22, 2020

Pastor L. M., India

Greetings to you all in the mighty name of Jesus.

I want to appreciate you and the mission that Sungrak Church is carrying by doing the Will of the Father.
I want to inform that after some initial hiccups. I managed to get them and thank you all for your efforts in reaching out to us in India as I received the books yesterday.
I couldn’t stop myself from having a look straight away and let me tell you that I’m already half way at one the books on ‘Who is Holy Spirit’.
It’s an absolute pleasure to know about the Spirit of God in such a manner.
I want to thank Pastor Ki-Dong Kim for God’s valuable writings and sharing with us the essence of serving Him.
May the Lord bless your efforts and look forward to be a blessing as well as being blessed by this mission.

Lots of wishes and prayers,

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Joy S. S.
January 31, 2019

God bless you. I read the book: Let us Know the Holy Spirit. It weighed heavily to my life and became a huge bless to me. I would like to know more about it. I need training because I was called for God’s ministry. I hope you would help me with it. Thank you very much.

November 13th, 2018
From. F. D. Portus


I sincerely thank you for saying hello to my family and I. I am very glad to get in touch with you. We are the family of four members. I was born in Chile and I still live here. One of my son is in graduating class of law school and another son is 24 years old, he preaches the word of God to people in Argentina as a pastor and missionary. God allows him to do it by His grace. We received the word that He will bring revival to our country, Chile.

My son’s name is Franco Figueroa. He went to Araucania in Chile to preach the word of God and start up the movement: Chile Adora, a while ago. At that time, he got the book: Let us Know the Holy Spirit as a gift from unknown brother there. The book we received from the brother shocked us and changed our lives. We want to be prepared for the work that God gave us and go through diligently and responsibly.

It will be great if we can get more of your resources about the grace of God. Besides the books, I will be very happy if there is a way to learn more and deeply from you. I am very pleased to keep in contact with you. Bless your great work on making books and sharing. Thank you so much for that. Also, thank God for His glory, the presence of His Kingdom, and His perfect Word.

With blessings,

November 17th, 2018
From. F. D. Portus