November 21, 2021 Lord’s Day Service

Our Hope is the Resurrection

(Mark 12:18-27)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim

is eternal life.
was with Abraham, and when he died,
He was with his son Isaac, and when he died,
He was with his son Jacob. In the same way, (Isa 105:5-10)
the relationship formed with God continues to a thousand generations.
Those who misunderstood this spoken covenant (Ex 3:15-16)
believed that God had nothing to do with the dead,
but dealt only with the living and blessed them (Jn 5:25-29).
These ‘secularists’ were Sadducees.
However, the Gospel of grace we accepted (Jn 3:16)
is believing God’s promise that He blesses in this life
and gives resurrection and eternal life in the next life (Jn 11:25-26).
Our faith is to be prosperous in all things
and have health in body, just as our spirits prosper (3 Jn 1:2).
Therefore, ‘the prosperous spirit’ is having hope in the next life (1 Cor 15:16-19).
Likewise, we ought to believe in the Resurrection,
but there are also modern-day Sadducees.
They consider prosperity in this life to be a blessing
and have no faith that their spirits will resurrect in the next life.
Subsequently, they neglect their spiritual life of faith (Heb 2:3).
Our faith is living by the Law for this present life
and living by the Holy Spirit for the next life.
○ We do not rely on the flesh or our children
because we will live forever at the Resurrection.
○ Since the body will not die at that time, we will not need children.
Therefore, we will not need wives, and we will be like the angels.
○ Since our hope is the Resurrection, we seek daily bread on earth
and His kingdom and His righteousness for the life to come.
※ Be holy. Our lives should be holy and godly.
Then the flesh and this present life will prosper.
Be full of the Holy Spirit and be spiritual for the first Resurrection.