March 12, 2023 Lord’s Day Service

Prayer without Hypocrisy

(Matthew 6:5-8)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim

is truthful.
The truth
is that He loved us (Jn 14:6).
The truth is truthful,
and this is Jesus Christ.
Since prayer is not a religious ritual, do not be hypocritical
but pray so that God can hear.
As God is spirit (Jn 4:23-24),
those who pray must pray truthfully in spirit (1 Cor 14:12-14).
Pagans offer religious devotion,
but we do not pray to offer religious devotion
but we offer our faith (Heb 11:6).
When people pray, they talk about fleshly needs (Mt 6:31-33).
However, we cannot talk to God
with the flesh (1 Cor 2:10-11).
Because God is spirit, He told us to pray in spirit.
He said He would accept those who pray in spirit (Jn 3:3).
He provided nature (like the sun and rain) for fleshly matters,
so it is common for evil and righteous alike (Mt 5:45).
He accepts only those who are born again, that is, born in spirit (Rom 8:26-28).

◎ The flesh is born of flesh, and the spirit is born of spirit.
He hears when we go to Him in spirit.

◎ Pray in spirit.
Do not pray in the flesh but in spirit.
The Holy Spirit will help us in our weakness.

◎ God’s answer is given to our spirits.
It is not given to the flesh, as this
is the experience of those under the regulations of the flesh.

※ Let’s pray in the Holy Spirit,
receive His answer in our spirits, and protect our bodies with our spirits.
Prayers done in Jesus’ name are done in spirit