Feburary 4, 2024
To God Be Glory
in the Church and in Christ
(Ephesians 3:21)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
Glory to God
(Ephesians 3:21)
“I am not happy. Please satisfy me.” Don’t these kinds of requests become the purpose of our faith life? The motive for this kind of self-centered faith is not to seek God’s glory. Rather, it is more about realizing one’s own glory from God.
1. Not Your Own Glory
People who seek their own glory boast about themselves in front of others and try to overpower others by some remarkable achievement. Unfortunately, this directly betrays the grace and love of God. It actually revives what the Gospel is trying to remove, and it opposes the truth of the Gospel. Because of such behavior, the Church’s work is hindered, for the Church has a responsibility that is much more important than an individual.
2. We Received Everything
The Church of Christ is the unique entity that reveals God’s glory on earth. In Christ, we already received everything from God. Therefore, we should completely glorify the Lord for the remainder of our lives. We do not need to attain some accomplishment to achieve this. Instead, we give thanks for what we already received.
3. No Matter the Situation, No Matter the Time
God does not lack glory. When we say that the Church glorifies God, we should not understand this to mean that the Church fills up what God lacks. God’s glory already belongs to Him. No matter how much time passes, this fact does not change. No matter the situation and no matter the time – this glory does not change or fall. It is eternal. What we must do before God is to obey His will, no matter the situation and no matter the time. When we do this, the glory which God ought to receive will be shown through us.
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim