Jesus Christ is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever
It was the special ground where people could see the present nature of Christ’s healing and miracles. Sungrak Church held ‘2nd Special Healing Revival Crusade’ from January 21st to 24th this year; titled ‘Jesus Christ is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever’.
Each time, about 3,000 people participated in the revival crusade and some of them voluntarily came from overseas with yearning and passion. The senior overseer Ki-Dong Kim delivered messages for three days at night and day and laid on of hands on the sick people one by one. And then, there were a lot of testimonies for being released from various diseases and curses, as well, just like the previous time last year.
Rev. Dr. Ki-Dong Kim preached the messages to the people who want to perform Christ’s healing as well as the people who want to be healed. He emphasized that those who want to be healed or perform healing must know Jesus first by the Holy Spirit and confess, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God (Mt16:13-20).” Those are the true believers who are qualified and entitled to receive the power of God.
Furthermore, he said that even if you cast out demons, they go through arid places (Mt12:43-45). Thus it is useless if you are not buried under water and do not receive the baptism of uniting with Jesus, through baptism, we have to receive salvation. Therefore, you must firmly stand on the assurance of salvation and sternly cast out demons who behave as host with the Word in authority of King as co-heirs with Christ (Mark1:21-27). He also encouraged the participants to proudly and actively fulfill healing and demon expulsion as our mission which sets people free.