July 23, 2023 Being an Inheritance in Christ
Being an Inheritance in Christ
(Ephesians 1:11-12)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
(Ephesians 1:11-12)
When Israel left Egypt and entered Canaan, they drew lots and allotted land for each tribe as their inheritance. Each tribe fought to take possession of their inheritance, and after obtaining it, they dedicated their lives to handling it.
1. An Inheritance We Received in Christ
In the same way, we were not only saved by Christ from the authority of Satan, but we received God’s inheritance. The duties we received from the church is the inheritance God gave us. When we handle them well and they prosper, God will be glorified through this. From the world’s viewpoint, a lifetime of keeping these duties is foolish and you will suffer all kinds of losses – but if you are a person with genuine faith, you can surely handle them.
2. An Inheritance to Dedicate Your Life and Serve
You will not suffer loss when you live for God’s work, but you will gain eternal things. Jesus lived such a life, and we are walking on the path that He opened. Many Christians today abandon this essence of life and merely regard God as a kind of guardian. When our affairs and the church’s affairs get conflicted, we go astray. We just complete the work we were given at church without loving God, and then we think that we did our duty.
3. An Inheritance Leading to Eternal Reward
However, the genuine meaning of faith is entrusting our lives to Christ, for He saved us. Saying, “I have faith”, is like saying, “I entrusted myself to Christ”. Likewise, if we have faith that is different from our past selves, heaven is already guaranteed. Those who live with this guarantee can surely overcome the world, and living like this cannot suffer any loss, because God will repay it with eternal things. Let’s overcome the world and perform our duties. Let’s work success for our received inheritance so that our new lives can be to the praise of God’s glory.
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim