January 21, 2024
Christians Who Will Be Filled
with the Fullness of God
(Ephesians 3:19)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
Towards the Fullness of God
(Ephesians 3:19)
While we are in Christ, what God wants of us is to become complete like God, in other words, be filled with the fullness of God. This does not simply mean receiving an abundance of the Holy Spirit’s power. It means being filled with God Himself and become like God.
1. The Path to Discard
To be filled with what belongs to God, we must first discard what we have. Praying earnestly does not automatically lead to fullness. We must discard what belongs to the old man and what belongs to the flesh. Fullness cannot occur where there is no spirit of repentance. When we discard what belongs to us and acknowledge God’s rule, He will personally fill us with what belongs to Him.
2. The Path to Become like God
If we are filled with God, we will utterly accept God’s rule. To achieve this, we must first strengthen the inner man and allow Christ to dwell in our hearts. We must be rooted and grounded in love. We need to realize how wide, long, deep and high Christ’s love is, and we need to understand it. If we do this, every aspect of our lives will come under God’s rule. So let’s become like God! This is the ultimate goal God has for us.
3. The Path We Should Not Halt
We acknowledge that the fullness of God dwells in Christ. This fullness must now be fulfilled in us. It is impossible for us, feeble humans, to perfectly achieve God’s fullness on earth. However, God wants us to hope in the glory that we will see after resurrection, and He wants us to run without ceasing until God’s fullness is achieved. When we do this, God will not rest in helping us in our transformation.
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim