February 20, 2022 Lord’s Day Service
Falsely Testifying About Jesus
(Mark 14:53-65)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
is true.
As He
set righteousness to be the foundation of His throne (Ps 89:13-14),
all things will be judged in His presence (Heb 10:30-31).
God is the only spirit (Jn 4:24).
Heaven is His throne (Heb 1:3).
Because He who created all things sits on the white throne,
there is no other god except God (Jn 17:3).
All things will be judged before His throne (Rev 20:11-14).
Who are sinners?
Are they those who made Jesus kneel
or is it the One whom they knelt in front of and ridiculed
– gentle Jesus?
Is the Sanhedrin who condemned Jesus holy
or is the One who sits on the white throne holy? (Rev 4:2-8)
Because righteousness and unrighteousness are distinct, they are like light and darkness.
This is how Jesus took up mankind’s sins (1 Pet 2:4).
Consequently, those who deny and do not believe Jesus are sinners (Jn 3:17-18)
and those who persecute and ridicule Him are cursed.
Righteousness and unrighteousness are discerned through Jesus (Rom 3:4).
○ There is One who testifies that Jesus is without sin and righteous.
He is God the Father
who raised Jesus from the dead.
○ Jesus is the Head of the church.
Since the church is His body, it should be holy,
and if it is persecuted, it should be persecuted due to righteousness.
○ Being persecuted for Jesus’ name
is not shameful but a crown of righteousness.
Those who receive God’s grace will also be persecuted.
※ Let’s kneel before Jesus’ name.
Let’s rely on His name and glorify and offer ourselves to Him
in this name. The Lord is our Savior!