July 17, 2022 Lord’s Day Service
Let’s Believe Through God’s Will
(John 6:28-40)
Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim
is good.
Since He
loved the world, He gave the world faith.
We believe Him because we accepted His love (1 Jn 4:19).
Those who accept God’s love do not alter their faith (1 Jn 4:18).
People try to be saved by religious conscience (Jn 6:28),
but there is no salvation in religious effort (Rom 8:3-4)
The work of God is this:
to believe in the One He has sent (Jn 3:16, 6:29).
What is the miracles sign that enables us to believe God?
Jesus is the sign. The testimony that He came from heaven
is a certain sign (Jn 3:14-15).
Jesus is the bread and drink that came down from heaven –
He is the bread and drink of life (Jn 6:53-55).
those who believe Him will never be hungry or thirsty.
This is the eternal life which believers will receive (Jn 7:37-38).
Those that God gave to the Son belong to the Son,
and the Son loses none of those who were given to Him.
He will nurture them by the Spirit and give them the glory of resurrection (Jn 6:40).
○ You do not need to work to be saved.
Believing the One that God has sent
is being saved.
○ Do not clothe faith with religion to be saved,
but believe through the will of Him who saves completely.
God’s will is to bow before His name.
○ Jesus entered the world and shed blood on the cross
to achieve the Father’s will. This was not by
human wisdom, but by obedience and faith in God.
※ Those who believe have a promise.
It is that He will certainly save them on the last day.
Jesus’ death and resurrection is the sign of His covenant.