September 4, 2022 Lord’s Day Service

Remain in the Word

(John 8:31-36)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim

is good.
established the Son to be His Heir to place glory in heaven
and gave all authority to the Son (John 17:1-2).
But the Son submitted and did not consider equality with the Father
something to be grasped. He humbled Himself, became a Man (Phi 2:6-8),
and exalted the Father’s name (Jn 17:6).
At that time,
God set one of the great archangels to be a manager and entrusted him
with His glory until the Master of the throne returned (Lk 12:42).
During that time, another great angel defied
the manager of heaven’s glory and sinned (Mk 12:1-9).
The archangel Michael and his angels drove this sinful angel from heaven (Isa 14:12-14)
and kept him in darkness until the judgement (Rev 12:7-8, 2 Pet 2:4).
Judgment will come
when the Son of God returns
– He is loved by God and is the Son of Man (Jn 5:27-29).
He created hades within the darkness and kept the sinful angel there (Jud 1:6).
Therefore, since the authority of sin and death reigns in
the universe (called ‘hades’), there will certainly be judgement (Rom 5:21).
○ Before faith came, all humanity belonged to the devil
and were children of wrath, but they are saved
by the grace of Jesus Christ, who is full of compassion.
○ Salvation is to gain freedom, and this freedom
is from the devil and his authority (sin and death).
It is to pass from sin and death to life.
○ The Law could not carry us from sin and death over to life, so it was
set aside because it was useless, and the Gospel of grace was preached,
and this is the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.
※ If you believe Jesus, you will be free, and if He who defeated
sin and death sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Those who are saved are truly free from sin and death.