2016.08.07_The Church with the Key of Heaven
in 2016 Lord's Day, Sung Hyun Kim[Matthew 16:13-20]
is our Lord who saves and helps us.
The Church
is a gathering of those that have faith
in Jesus Christ, the Son of God;
God brings them together by the Holy Spirit
and protects (1 Co 1:2).
The devil is God’s enemy and our enemy.
With the world under his power,
the devil tries leads mankind to destruction through deception.
The Lord who already condemned the devil (Jn 16:11)
commissioned us, His church to work
and we uphold and obey His will with all of our might.
The Lord gave us the key of heaven (Mt 16:19)
to support us with His authority and power
and help us overcome the power of the devil.
Through faith
founded on strong team work,
love and encouragement (Rm 12:5-8),
the Lord’s church must be able to deliver souls,
heal the sick, fight against poverty,
and overcome hardships.
○ Let us join together in prayer
to fully achieve the work
the Lord entrusted to His church (Rm 12:11-12).
○ Let us always share
our love to and encourage to other saints
so they may have the strength to overcome the world.
○ Let us fully trust the Lord
who helps us in our life of faith.
※ For the key of heaven
is with us,
let us fight together with all of our strength.
Coming Soon
The hope of my whole life, before I leave this world is to do something that will leave a lasting impression. Since the wisdom given to me is not my own, I have to leave it behind in this world, and since the knowledge that I have is not my own, I want to leave it with the world. Just as a tree is supposed to make another grow by its fruit in spite of being cut down by a logger, if I misunderstand what I have been given as my own, all the people in the world will become useless. A good idea is a great contribution and asset for human beings. That is why I write books about what I believe. I am willing to write in my books what I cannot speak due to insufficient time. Even on the day when my flesh is worn out and my end is coming, I am filled with the spirit that I must not throw away, what I have worked on and strive towards. A Buddhist monk left a will that said, based on his ‘non-possessive’ thought, that he wanted to abolish all of his published books and stop publishing, but I have different view. Although I have no possessions, I want to consider what I have as an asset for human beings. The monk had thoughts of nihilism or self-abolishment, but I only want to live according to God’s will. While God wants me to have no possessions, He also strongly wants me to be a beneficial person for the world, thus allowing me to make disciples and leave them in the world; so I will follow his will. When I leave the world, I will have no possessions. However, as I leave sufficient wisdom and experiences in the world, I have no wonder that more and more disciples will build a greater belief on that foundation. Deciding the time when I leave the world is not my task, but God’s own task, so I am only praising His glory. Even if one exists in the world, but without his or her own piece of work, it is just self-abuse. When a grain of wheat falls to the ground its body dies, decays, and disappears. However, from it a bud sprouts and grows to become a tall tree, thereby composing a forest. I want to be a good seed and strongly want the seed to die and grow to be a tall tree. Thus what I want and pray for is be a good seed. Not being an insignificant seed that a bird eats, but being a great tree, I want to be born again as a pillar of the temple. Since I firmly believe in the promise of the Lord, I have entrusted my life to the promise. I want to live with all my will and all my soul and with all my strength. Since I am not my own, but the Lord’s, He can make anything from me as He wants to, if He wants. [gmedia id = 75]
Outline translated by Sarah Lee Chief Editor: Helen Nam
Letter translated by Sung-In Hong
Interpretations by Sarah Lee
Korean Summary by Ki-Taek Lee