December 26, 2021 Lord’s Day Service

The True God and Christ

(Mark 13:14-23)

Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim

is true.
Since He
is true, everything that He does is true.
When we say that God is ‘true’ (Jn 17:3),
it means there are many gods in hades (called ‘the universe’) (Deu 6:14-15).
These spirits became corrupt and were expelled from heaven (2 Pet 2:4).
Because the world cannot see spirits with their eyes,
they have no ability or intellect to discern spirits (2 Cor 4:4).
The power to discern spirits is a gift (1 Cor 12:10)
and it is given by the Holy Spirit.
Spiritual things can be discerned and judged spiritually (1 Cor 2:13-15).
Therefore, ‘true’ refers to spiritually discerning and defining them (Ex 20:3).
Nothing in this universe is ‘true’ except God.
‘The true God’
means that we distinguish Him from any spirit in hades
and say, ‘God is holy.’
Accordingly, God’s name should be hallowed (Mt 6:9).
Since no one can call themselves ‘Christ’,
God must anoint, seal, and send Him from heaven.
If we are recognized by heaven as true believers,
it is because God sets His seal and guarantees it (2 Cor 1:21-22).
○ In the last days, many false prophets will come and deceive.
Accept God’s discerning revelation and do not be deceived.
○ Our faith is to know and believe
Him who rose from the dead by the Holy Spirit
and believe in the One who saved the risen Jesus.
○ We should not be deceived by those who say they are the Christ
or say ‘Here He is’ or ‘there He is’.
We should know and believe the true God and Christ (who He sent) until the end.
※ Let’s discern the spirits. Let’s open our spiritual eyes.
God knows us through Christ, and we know Christ
and the One who sent Him by the Holy Spirit.